Race Services


It is essential to register for races with our system. You have the same price as with the organization but we can help you with the forms of payment, you can hire the packs to save money and, most importantly, you are part of LA LIGA MASQUEBICI where you are part of a privileged community of people from all over the world that runs competitions in stages like you, and you will be able to win incredible rewards.

Mechanical service

Mechanical service during the race offers you the security that whatever happens, your bicycle will be perfect every day and for every stage.

Our mechanics begin to work on your bike from the day before the first stage, if needed the bike will be assembled, adjusted and tuned so it's ready at the start of the first stage.

Every day when crossing the finish line, you will leave your bike to the mechanics, telling them how everything has gone in order to work on it. They will wash, adjust, lubricate and review screws and other components so that you have total security that your bike is perfect.

In addition to our mechanical service, you will enjoy a 25% discount on the spare parts and components used and replaced.

At the end of the last stage they'll wash it, leave it clean and lubricated, if you have to transport it, they will disamble and pack it (if necessary) so that the transfer is done without any inconvenience.

Massage service

The massage service in the race has two fundamental objectives, each day before starting the stage, there is a warm-up massage, so that your muscles are ready. A good warm-up will be the best way to face the stage.

Another FUNDAMENTAL objective, is the RECOVERY AND REGENERATION of your whole body after the stages, with a long and deep massage where we will seek to release all the fatigue so that the next day you are in the best form.

In addition our massage service will do everything in its power so that any injury from the practice of MTB, is not a burden to keep going.

Our percentage of runners who finish the races is the highest in the national and international scene and not only because of your level but because we put at your disposal all our experience, training and knowledge in the race.


General logistics

We are used to move around the world so we can offer you the best possible services in the most demanding MTB competitions around the world.

For this reason and due to our experience we can tell you that LOGISTICS is one of our strenghts.

Travel, accommodation, internal transport, transfers, transport of material and bicycle, all this means that we not only limit ourselves to massage or repairing your bike, we want to be your best ally in the race in which you are going to participate, either in Córdoba or in Mongolia.

That's why we cooperate in our trips with VALUA TRAVEL, with them you can reach your bike anywhere in the world.

Consult us!, we will help you and if you are going to fly, do it in the best conditions, as we do, with VALUA TRAVEL.

More INFO at: travel@valuatravel.com


The best way to prepare your next races with us.

If you are a MASQUEBICI customer you already have assistance and advice of our coach to solve the most common doubts in your training process.

From there, you have an EXCLUSIVE and INDIVIDUAL service based on our knowledge, experience and participation in the best races in the world, our coach will prepare a personalized plan to face in the best possible conditions the competition that you choose.



After so many years and many competitions, we are the only company that has a personal counseling area in everything that you could need in any of the races in which you participate.

Logistics, mechanics, massage, travel, transfers, tours, etc. If you have any questions, we are ready to solve them.

We can help you in every race, type of training, nutrition you need, what bike you have to carry, which clothes, everything you need to be ready. Do not hesitate to contact us. Everything has a solution.

Also when looking for your best travel option for the dream career we put you in touch with the company with more experience in this type of trip:

VALUA TRAVEL travel@valuatravel.com

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More competition, more effort, more emotion: MASQUEBICI LA LIGA
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